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12 неймовірних жінок

12 неймовірних жінок

Ukraїner. Ukrainian Insider

Обычная цена 31,63 € Цена особого предложения 26,89 €
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Видавництво Видавництво Старого Лева

ISBN 9786176797319
Рік видання 2022
«Ukraïner. Ukrainian Insider» — is the print edition of the ambitious digital media project Ukraïner (ukrainer.net) based on our 2016–2018 expedition throughout all the historic regions of Ukraine: from Sloboda Ukraine in the east to Podillia in the southwest, and Volyn in the northwest to Tavriia in the south. In this book we feature the most striking and memorable moments of our exploration as we intend to share with the world many unique places within Ukraine and the stories of the remarkable Ukrainians who live there. Evocative photography both showcases these stories and reveal Ukraine as authentic, surprising, and exciting country. Bogdan Logvinenko is the initiator of the project.
Книжка українською мовою.
Дополнительная информация
ПереводчикЯна Білинець, Олена Вавшко, Вікторія Сорочук, Еліна Фоїнська
Год издания2022
Кол-во страниц320
Формат190x250 мм
Переплет, подробнееТвердый
НаличиеНа складе
ОписаниеВидавництво Видавництво Старого Лева

ISBN 9786176797319
Рік видання 2022
«Ukraïner. Ukrainian Insider» — is the print edition of the ambitious digital media project Ukraïner (ukrainer.net) based on our 2016–2018 expedition throughout all the historic regions of Ukraine: from Sloboda Ukraine in the east to Podillia in the southwest, and Volyn in the northwest to Tavriia in the south. In this book we feature the most striking and memorable moments of our exploration as we intend to share with the world many unique places within Ukraine and the stories of the remarkable Ukrainians who live there. Evocative photography both showcases these stories and reveal Ukraine as authentic, surprising, and exciting country. Bogdan Logvinenko is the initiator of the project.
Книжка українською мовою.
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